ALTIC Technical Resources
ALTIC management & consultant division is a fully service Occupational Safety, Environmental and Health System Management. We take great pride on proactive and effective solutions. We are diverse in our range of services supporting the Petro-Chemical Industry, Municipalities, Construction, Environmental Remediation, Public and Private Utilities Services and various specialty engineering service companies.
Why Choose ALTIC?
* Dedicated staff to the profession of Technical, Safety, Health & Environment.
* Average years of experience amongst staff are more than 15 years.
* Our professionals are skilled in engineering & improving your safety culture.
* Employees are trained by certified professionals with real life field experience.
* ALTIC offers safety management program and reviews for gaps analysis.
* Effective and functional training programs customised to meet your needs.
* Value-oriented service and integrity drive our business.
Why Choose ALTIC?
* Dedicated staff to the profession of Technical, Safety, Health & Environment.
* Average years of experience amongst staff are more than 15 years.
* Our professionals are skilled in engineering & improving your safety culture.
* Employees are trained by certified professionals with real life field experience.
* ALTIC offers safety management program and reviews for gaps analysis.
* Effective and functional training programs customised to meet your needs.
* Value-oriented service and integrity drive our business.
ALTIC : Consulting Services
Point of Risk Safety
ALTIC has Board Certified Safety
Professionals with their foundations based in field operations. No matter what
the job is it providing management presentations or “Point of Risk”
interventions our professionals are ready to provide functional, effective and
quality services
Industrial Hygiene and Consultation Services
Industrial Hygiene and Consultation Services
fulltime safety professionals. We provide a wide range of services and
have been aligned with quality organizations that pride themselves with
advanced safety cultures and effective Safety Management Systems. While our
services are diverse our quality is not, we strive to provide high quality
consultation services even in challenging environments.
ALTIC : Safety Division
While it is often difficult to bullet our type of services our Safety Division is ready to support you in the following areas;
* Project Oversight, Project Controls, Project Management.
* Incident & Accident Investigation& Reports Preparation
* Emergency Response Support Services Management
* Person In Charge & Safety Officer
* Development of Incident Action Plans
* Occupational Health, Safety& Environmental Plan's
* HSE Cultural Analysis, HSE Coaching and Mentoring
* OSH Audits : Internal, External, 3rd party
* Needs/Gaps Analysis
* HSE Program Development & Project Oversight
* Environmental Project Management and Oversight
* Hazard Assessment and Recognition
* Hazardous Material Assessment
* Technical Rescue & Confined Space Rescue
* Hazmat Plans & Emergency Response Plan